Doing well , amigo ... nice coloring , you did a fine job and all the details , I imagined his legs would have fit a bit tighter in the diaper but its a great job
Hiya! Does the rate of updates of your blog depend on some thing or you compose blog articles when you have an inspiration or you create in case you have time? Waiting forward to hear from you.
heyaa. well i post my illustrations so sometimes it depends on an insperation or a story i passed by, sometimes on a project and somtimes simply i create because i have time :)
Doing well , amigo ... nice coloring , you did a fine job and all the details , I imagined his legs would have fit a bit tighter in the diaper but its a great job
ReplyDeleteHiya! Does the rate of updates of your blog depend on some thing or you compose blog articles when you have an inspiration or you create in case you have time? Waiting forward to hear from you.
ReplyDeleteheyaa. well i post my illustrations so sometimes it depends on an insperation or a story i passed by, sometimes on a project and somtimes simply i create because i have time :)